
10 Most Common WordPress Errors

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) used by millions of website owners worldwide. However, despite its popularity and user-friendliness, WordPress can sometimes encounter errors that can make it challenging to use. In this article, we’ll explore the ten most common WordPress errors, their causes, and how to fix them.

1. White Screen of Death (WSOD)

The white screen of death (WSOD) is a common issue that WordPress users encounter. It occurs when the website pages are completely blank, and there is no error message displayed. This error can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

  1. Plugin or theme conflicts: A plugin or theme conflict can cause the white screen of death error. When you install a plugin or theme that is not compatible with your current version of WordPress, it can cause conflicts and result in the WSOD.
  2. PHP memory limit exceeded: If your website has exceeded the PHP memory limit, it can cause the white screen of death error. The PHP memory limit is the amount of memory allocated by your server to run PHP scripts. If your website is running a script that requires more memory than the limit set by your server, it can cause the WSOD.
  3. Corrupted core files: A corrupted WordPress core file can cause the WSOD. This can happen when a file is modified, deleted or corrupted by a plugin, theme or other software on your website.
  4. Database errors: A database error can cause the white screen of death error. If your website is unable to connect to the database or if there is a problem with the database, it can result in the WSOD.

How to Fix the White Screen of Death

  1. Deactivate all plugins and themes: The first step in fixing the WSOD is to deactivate all plugins and revert to the default WordPress theme. This can help you identify if the issue is caused by a plugin or theme conflict. To do this, you can rename the plugins folder in your WordPress directory via FTP or using the file manager in your hosting control panel. Once the plugins folder is renamed, try accessing your website to see if the WSOD is gone. If the WSOD is gone, then you can activate each plugin and theme one by one, testing your website after each activation to identify which one is causing the problem.
  2. Increase PHP memory limit: If the WSOD is caused by the PHP memory limit being exceeded, you can increase the PHP memory limit by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file:

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

This increases the PHP memory limit to 256MB, but you can change the value to suit your needs.

  1. Replace corrupted core files: If the WSOD is caused by corrupted core files, you can replace them with fresh copies. You can do this by downloading a fresh copy of WordPress from the official WordPress website, extracting the files and folders, and uploading them to your website via FTP.
  2. Check database connectivity: If the WSOD is caused by a database error, you can check the database connectivity by accessing your website’s wp-config.php file and ensuring that the database details are correct. If the details are correct, you can try repairing the database using a tool like phpMyAdmin.

2. Internal Server Error

The internal server error is one of the most common WordPress errors that can occur on your website. It usually appears as a message saying “500 Internal Server Error” or “HTTP Error 500” and can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

  1. Plugin or theme conflicts: A plugin or theme conflict can cause the internal server error. When you install a plugin or theme that is not compatible with your current version of WordPress, it can cause conflicts and result in the internal server error.
  2. Corrupted .htaccess file: The .htaccess file is an important configuration file that controls how your website’s server behaves. A corrupted .htaccess file can cause the internal server error.
  3. PHP memory limit exceeded: If your website has exceeded the PHP memory limit, it can cause the internal server error. The PHP memory limit is the amount of memory allocated by your server to run PHP scripts. If your website is running a script that requires more memory than the limit set by your server, it can cause the internal server error.
  4. Server issues: Sometimes, the internal server error can be caused by server issues such as a misconfigured server or server overload.

How to Fix the Internal Server Error

  1. Deactivate all plugins and themes: The first step in fixing the internal server error is to deactivate all plugins and revert to the default WordPress theme. This can help you identify if the issue is caused by a plugin or theme conflict. To do this, you can rename the plugins folder in your WordPress directory via FTP or using the file manager in your hosting control panel. Once the plugins folder is renamed, try accessing your website to see if the internal server error is gone. If the internal server error is gone, then you can activate each plugin and theme one by one, testing your website after each activation to identify which one is causing the problem.
  2. Check the .htaccess file: If the internal server error is caused by a corrupted .htaccess file, you can try renaming the file to something else, such as .htaccess_old, to see if that resolves the issue. If it does, then you can recreate a new .htaccess file by going to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and clicking “Save Changes” to regenerate the .htaccess file.
  3. Increase PHP memory limit: If the internal server error is caused by the PHP memory limit being exceeded, you can increase the PHP memory limit by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file:

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

This increases the PHP memory limit to 256MB, but you can change the value to suit your needs.

  1. Contact your hosting provider: If the internal server error persists after trying the above steps, you may need to contact your hosting provider to investigate the issue further. They may be able to help you resolve any server-related issues that are causing the error.

3. 404 Error

The 404 error is a common HTTP status code that indicates that the requested resource was not found on the server. In WordPress, a 404 error can occur when a visitor tries to access a page or post that has been deleted, moved, or does not exist. This can negatively impact the user experience, and it is important to fix 404 errors as soon as possible.

Here are some common causes of 404 errors in WordPress:

  1. Permalink structure changes: Changing the permalink structure of your website can cause links to pages and posts to break, resulting in 404 errors.
  2. Deleted or moved pages/posts: If a page or post has been deleted or moved, any links pointing to that page or post will result in a 404 error.
  3. Broken links: External links that point to pages or posts that no longer exist can result in a 404 error.
  4. Typos or misspellings: Typos or misspellings in URLs can result in a 404 error.

How to Fix 404 Errors in WordPress:

  1. Check the permalink structure: If you have recently changed the permalink structure of your website, you may need to update any internal or external links that point to pages or posts. To do this, go to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and choose a permalink structure that matches your website’s content.
  2. Check for deleted or moved pages/posts: If a page or post has been deleted or moved, you can try restoring it from a backup or creating a redirect to the new page or post. WordPress plugins like Redirection can help you create redirects easily.
  3. Check for broken links: Use a broken link checker tool to identify any external links that are broken and update them with the correct URL.
  4. Check for typos or misspellings: Double-check URLs to ensure that there are no typos or misspellings that could cause a 404 error.
  5. Customize your 404 page: You can create a custom 404 page in WordPress that provides helpful information to visitors and encourages them to explore other parts of your website. This can help improve the user experience and reduce the negative impact of 404 errors.

4. Error Establishing a Database Connection

The “Error Establishing a Database Connection” is a common error that can occur on your WordPress website. It is a frustrating error because it makes your website inaccessible to both you and your visitors. The error message you will see is: “Error establishing a database connection”.

This error happens when WordPress is unable to connect to the database. WordPress uses the database to store and retrieve all the content on your website, including posts, pages, and settings. When WordPress can’t connect to the database, it can’t retrieve the content it needs to display your website.

Here are some of the most common causes of the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” error:

  1. Incorrect database credentials: One of the most common causes of this error is incorrect database credentials. This means that the username, password, or database name in your wp-config.php file is incorrect.
  2. Corrupted database: A corrupted database can cause the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” error. This can happen if the database is hacked, the server is shut down unexpectedly, or if the database is not maintained properly.
  3. Server issues: Server issues can also cause the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” error. This can happen if the server is overloaded, or if there is an issue with the database server.

How to Fix the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” Error

  1. Check your database credentials: The first step in fixing this error is to check your database credentials. Open your wp-config.php file and make sure that the database name, username, and password are correct. If you’re not sure what your database credentials are, contact your web host.
  2. Repair your database: If your database is corrupted, you can try repairing it. To repair your database, you will need to log into your hosting control panel and look for a tool called phpMyAdmin. Once you have accessed phpMyAdmin, select your database, and click on the “Repair” button.
  3. Check your database server: If you’ve checked your database credentials and repaired your database, but you’re still getting the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” error, you may need to check your database server. Contact your web host and ask them to check if the database server is running properly.
  4. Restore from a backup: If you have a backup of your website, you can try restoring it. This will overwrite your current website with the backup version. If you don’t have a backup, this may not be an option for you.
  5. Reinstall WordPress: If all else fails, you can try reinstalling WordPress. This will replace all the core files of WordPress without affecting your content. You can do this by downloading the latest version of WordPress and uploading it to your website via FTP.

5. Syntax Error

A syntax error is a type of error that occurs in programming languages, including WordPress. It occurs when the code you have written contains incorrect syntax, such as missing or misplaced characters, misspelled words, or incorrect punctuation. These errors can prevent your WordPress site from working properly and can be difficult to diagnose and fix.

Here are some common causes of syntax errors in WordPress:

  1. Typos: The most common cause of syntax errors is typos. Misspelled words, missing characters, and misplaced punctuation can all cause syntax errors in WordPress code.
  2. Incorrect use of functions: Using functions incorrectly, such as using them with the wrong arguments or not using them at all, can also cause syntax errors.
  3. Incorrect use of loops and conditional statements: Loops and conditional statements, such as for loops and if statements, must be written correctly to avoid syntax errors.
  4. Incorrect use of variables: Using variables incorrectly, such as using undefined variables or using them in the wrong context, can cause syntax errors.

How to Fix Syntax Errors in WordPress

  1. Check your code for typos: The first step in fixing a syntax error is to check your code for typos. Make sure all characters are spelled correctly, all punctuation is in the right place, and all opening and closing tags match.
  2. Use an IDE or text editor with syntax highlighting: An integrated development environment (IDE) or text editor with syntax highlighting can help you identify syntax errors by highlighting incorrect syntax in your code.
  3. Use a linter or validator: A linter or validator can check your code for syntax errors and provide suggestions for fixing them.
  4. Use error reporting: WordPress has an error reporting feature that can help you identify syntax errors. To enable error reporting, add the following code to your wp-config.php file:
sqlCopy codedefine( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

This will enable error reporting and log any errors to a file, which you can use to identify and fix syntax errors.

  1. Use version control: Version control, such as Git, can help you track changes to your code and revert to previous versions if you encounter a syntax error.

6. Memory Exhausted Error

The memory exhausted error is a common error in WordPress that occurs when your WordPress site runs out of memory. This can happen when your site uses too many resources, such as plugins, themes, or large images.

Here are some common causes of the memory exhausted error in WordPress:

  1. Low PHP memory limit: By default, PHP has a memory limit of 128 MB, which can be insufficient for larger WordPress sites with a lot of traffic or resource-intensive plugins and themes.
  2. Resource-intensive plugins and themes: Certain plugins and themes can be resource-intensive and use a lot of memory, causing the memory exhausted error.
  3. Large image sizes: Large image sizes can also use a lot of memory, especially if you have a lot of images on your site.
  4. Inefficient database queries: Inefficient database queries can cause your site to use more memory than necessary, leading to the memory exhausted error.

How to Fix the Memory Exhausted Error in WordPress

  1. Increase PHP memory limit: The first step in fixing the memory exhausted error is to increase the PHP memory limit. You can do this by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file:
sqlCopy codedefine('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

This will increase the PHP memory limit to 256 MB, which should be sufficient for most WordPress sites.

  1. Disable resource-intensive plugins and themes: If you have identified a resource-intensive plugin or theme causing the memory exhausted error, you can try disabling it and replacing it with a more efficient alternative.
  2. Optimize image sizes: To reduce the memory usage of your site, you can optimize your image sizes by compressing them and reducing their dimensions.
  3. Optimize database queries: To reduce memory usage caused by inefficient database queries, you can use a plugin such as WP Optimize to optimize your database and remove any unnecessary data.
  4. Upgrade your hosting plan: If you have tried all of the above solutions and are still experiencing the memory exhausted error, you may need to upgrade your hosting plan to a higher resource allocation.

7. Too Many Redirects Error

The “too many redirects” error in WordPress is a common issue that can occur when there is a misconfiguration of redirects on your website. This error typically occurs when a browser is unable to establish a stable connection with your website and is redirected multiple times.

Here are some common causes of the “too many redirects” error in WordPress:

  1. Incorrectly configured redirects: If you have set up redirects incorrectly, it can cause a redirect loop, leading to the “too many redirects” error.
  2. SSL certificate issues: If you have recently installed an SSL certificate on your website and it is not configured correctly, it can cause the “too many redirects” error.
  3. Issues with the .htaccess file: The .htaccess file is a configuration file used by Apache web servers to handle redirects and other settings. If there is an issue with this file, it can cause the “too many redirects” error.
  4. Incorrectly configured caching plugins: Caching plugins can cause issues with redirects if they are not configured correctly.

How to Fix the “Too Many Redirects” Error in WordPress

  1. Clear your browser cache: The first step in fixing the “too many redirects” error is to clear your browser cache. This will ensure that your browser is not trying to use a cached redirect that is causing the error.
  2. Check your SSL certificate: If you have recently installed an SSL certificate on your website, you should check that it is configured correctly. You can use an SSL checker tool to verify that your SSL certificate is set up correctly.
  3. Check your redirects: You should check your website’s redirects to make sure that they are set up correctly and that there are no redirect loops. You can use a plugin such as Redirection or Yoast SEO to manage your website’s redirects.
  4. Check your .htaccess file: If there is an issue with your .htaccess file, it can cause the “too many redirects” error. You should make sure that your .htaccess file is correctly configured, or you can try renaming it to see if that resolves the issue.
  5. Disable caching plugins: If you are using a caching plugin, it may be causing issues with redirects. Try disabling your caching plugin temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.

8. Failed to Load Resource Error

The “Failed to load resource” error in WordPress occurs when a browser is unable to load a resource such as an image, stylesheet, or script file. This error can occur for a variety of reasons, including incorrect file paths, server configuration issues, or issues with the resource itself.

Here are some common causes of the “Failed to load resource” error in WordPress:

  1. Incorrect file paths: If the file path for a resource is incorrect, the browser will not be able to load the resource, resulting in the “Failed to load resource” error.
  2. Server configuration issues: Server configuration issues such as incorrect file permissions or server misconfigurations can cause the “Failed to load resource” error.
  3. Plugin or theme conflicts: Conflicts between plugins or themes can cause issues with resources not loading correctly.
  4. Corrupted resource files: If a resource file such as an image, stylesheet, or script file is corrupted, it may not load correctly, resulting in the “Failed to load resource” error.

How to Fix the “Failed to Load Resource” Error in WordPress

  1. Check file paths: The first step in fixing the “Failed to load resource” error is to check the file paths for the resource. Make sure that the file path is correct and that the resource is located in the correct location.
  2. Check server configuration: If there is an issue with server configuration, it can cause the “Failed to load resource” error. Check the server logs for any errors or misconfigurations.
  3. Deactivate plugins and themes: If the issue is caused by a plugin or theme conflict, try deactivating all plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme to see if the issue is resolved.
  4. Check resource files: If a resource file such as an image, stylesheet, or script file is corrupted, it may not load correctly, resulting in the “Failed to load resource” error. Try replacing the resource file with a new copy to see if that resolves the issue.
  5. Use a content delivery network (CDN): A content delivery network can help improve the performance of your website by distributing your resources across a network of servers. This can help reduce the likelihood of the “Failed to load resource” error occurring.

9. Sidebar Below Content Error

The “Sidebar Below Content” error in WordPress is a common issue where the sidebar of a website appears below the content instead of alongside it. This can make the website appear unprofessional and can negatively impact the user experience.

Here are some common causes of the “Sidebar Below Content” error in WordPress:

  1. Incorrect HTML markup: If the HTML markup for the website is incorrect, it can cause the sidebar to appear below the content.
  2. Theme conflicts: Conflicts between themes or with plugins can also cause the “Sidebar Below Content” error to occur.
  3. CSS conflicts: CSS conflicts or errors can also cause the sidebar to appear below the content.
  4. Incorrect width or height values: If the width or height values for the content or sidebar are set incorrectly, it can cause the sidebar to appear below the content.

How to Fix the “Sidebar Below Content” Error in WordPress

  1. Check HTML markup: The first step in fixing the “Sidebar Below Content” error is to check the HTML markup for the website. Make sure that the HTML is valid and that there are no errors.
  2. Deactivate plugins and themes: If the issue is caused by a conflict between themes or with a plugin, try deactivating all plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme to see if the issue is resolved.
  3. Check CSS: If the issue is caused by a CSS conflict or error, try using the browser’s developer tools to identify and fix the issue.
  4. Adjust width and height values: If the width or height values for the content or sidebar are set incorrectly, adjust them to the correct values to see if the issue is resolved.
  5. Use a child theme: If you have made modifications to the theme files, try using a child theme to ensure that your modifications are not causing the issue.

10. HTTP Error When Uploading Images

The HTTP error when uploading images is a common issue that WordPress users encounter when trying to upload an image to their website. When this error occurs, users receive an error message that reads “HTTP error” and are unable to upload the image.

Causes of HTTP Error When Uploading Images

There are several possible causes of the HTTP error when uploading images, including:

  1. File size limit: The most common cause of the HTTP error is a file size limit that is set by your server or hosting provider. If the image you are trying to upload is larger than the maximum file size allowed, it can result in an HTTP error.
  2. File permissions: Another common cause of the HTTP error is incorrect file permissions on the server. If the server does not have the proper permissions to access or modify the file, it can result in an HTTP error.
  3. Conflict with plugins or themes: Sometimes, the HTTP error can be caused by a conflict with a plugin or theme that you have installed on your WordPress site. A plugin or theme may be preventing the image from uploading or causing a conflict with the server.
  4. Corrupted file: If the image file is corrupted or damaged, it can cause an HTTP error when uploading.
  5. Memory limit: If the image you are trying to upload is very large, it may exceed the memory limit set by your hosting provider, causing an HTTP error.

How to Fix HTTP Error When Uploading Images

  1. Check file size limit: The first step in fixing the HTTP error when uploading images is to check the file size limit set by your server or hosting provider. If the file size of the image you are trying to upload exceeds the limit, you will need to resize the image or contact your hosting provider to increase the file size limit.
  2. Check file permissions: Check the file permissions on the server and ensure that the server has the proper permissions to access and modify the file. You can do this by accessing your website files via FTP or through the file manager in your hosting control panel.
  3. Disable plugins and themes: If you suspect that a plugin or theme is causing the HTTP error, you can try disabling them temporarily and see if the issue persists. If the error goes away, you can reactivate each plugin or theme one by one to identify the source of the conflict.
  4. Check file for corruption: Verify that the image file is not corrupted or damaged. You can do this by trying to open the file on your computer or using an online image viewer.
  5. Increase memory limit: If the image you are trying to upload is very large, you may need to increase the memory limit in WordPress. You can do this by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

This increases the memory limit to 256MB, but you can change the value to suit your needs.

  1. Use a different browser: Sometimes, the HTTP error can be caused by a browser issue. Try uploading the image using a different browser to see if the issue persists.